Website Analysis Tools to Keep You Ahead in the SEO Race

After putting all the efforts, you come up with a website, next thing to find out is, how to make it work? Taking help of an SEO expert is good advice.

Website analysis is an important part of an SEO campaign. To make your SEO practices effective by SEO Company in Pune, finding the best tools which keep you ahead in the SEO race is possible through website analysis. It also offers competitive analysis of sites that are similar to your sites.

Screaming Frog –The Screaming Frog SEO Spider is a website crawler, it allows you to crawl websites’ URL and fetch onsite key elements to analyze onsite SEO.

Moz tool – It is a great SEO competitor analysis tool that allows you to build reports, track growth and get all efforts optimized, after analyzing what your competitor is up to.

Ubersuggest –UberSuggest is an awesome free tool which you can help you find 100s of long tail keywords in a few minutes. It collects the data from Google Suggest which provides keyword ideas similar and related to your searches on Google.

Heap- Heap is a tool which automatically captures every web, mobile and cloud interactions like clicks, submits, transactions, emails and more. It retroactively analyzes your data without writing code.

Google analytics – It is one of the best ways to analyze your website’s performance. It gives complete details of your website like website audience and their behavior. It is a free tool available online. It needs the tracking code to fetch the analytics report of your website’s performance.

GTMetrix – GTMetrix is a free tool that analyses your page’s speed performance using Google Page speed and Yslow. It is used more and more to get detailed reports about your site’s performance.

Brand24 – Brand24 is a cloud-hosted platform where you can track and identify people online who post comments about your business and products. It serves as social media listening post so you get to know what people are talking regarding your product, brand, business, and industry.

Google Search Console – Google search console is a collection of tools and resources to help us to monitor website performance in Google search index. It  is a free service offered by Google  which helps you monitor and maintain your site’s presence in Google search results.

SEMRush - SEMrush is one of the best competitor analysis tools that help in determining the list of sites and pages that are ranking for your keywords. It conducts an in-depth backlink analysis, view displays from different devices to enhance organic search.

Google Structured data testing tool – The structured data testing tool or SDTT provides a variety of ways to develop, test, and modify your structured markup. You can load markup into the tool either directly or by supplying URL.
